For anyone who experiences chronic pain, they know that there are certain lifestyle adjustments that need to be incorporated into their daily routines to manage the condition. Some of these changes that Express ER in Harker Heights recommends include reducing stress, meditating, adding exercise to increase natural pain-relieving endorphins, and more.
But for those who have the opportunity to travel, their chronic pain can open a new scenario – especially if they want to avoid having to seek urgent care during their journey.
Tips to Make Your Trip Easier
Depending on your level of pain – remember, every patient will experience their pain levels differently – the following tips are provided to help make your trip easier to manage.
- If possible, always plan to add an extra day or two to your travel schedule to allow time for resting
- Be very selective about where you are going and what you hope to accomplish when you get there – in other words, reality checks are your friend!
- Before leaving home, double check that you have your medication and related pain-management items like cozy socks, neck pillows, and lumbar supports
- No one likes to haul around heavy suitcases, so remember to pack light
- Make sure you have your doctor’s name and phone number on your person at all times
- When planning your itinerary, look ahead to see which locations will be ADA compliant
An Ounce of Prevention
You know the adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and the staff at Harker Heights Emergency Room believe it has merit when it comes to traveling. We know that the idea of travelling with chronic pain can be daunting to a lot of people; that’s why it’s so important to plan for your trip well in advance of your departure to ensure that you can have an enjoyable experience.
Some Closing Thoughts
For a lot of people, getting caught up in the excitement of traveling can impair their ability to get a good night’s rest. Remember: sleep is never over-rated! Strive to get the same amount of sleep during your travels as you do when you’re at home.