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How To Get Ready For Cold And Flu Season Right Now


Flu and cold season is here whether we want it to be or not. There is not a question of ‘if’ someone we know will get sick, but ‘when.’ And during the holidays and the cold weather with everyone being inside to stay warm there is always that one person in the family who comes down with the cold or flu, and it gets passed to everyone else like a bowl of caramel corn. Does that sound familiar to your family? If you feel like you are gearing up for the flu and cold season and have a terrible foreboding, maybe you should be better prepared so you won’t be so impacted as you have been in years past.

Do not wait too long before coming into Comprehensive Emergency Care at Harker Heights. Waiting too long is what causes those who lose their lives every year during the flu season. If they would only go before they get too sick for the doctors can pull them back from the edge.

We Must Accept What We Cannot Change

Unless you can find a way to live in a germ-free environment like a bubble, crud will happen. Go ahead and live your life and try not to become the person that keeps bathing their children in hand sanitizer the closer it gets to the cold and flu season, so you are ready for it.

If anyone in your house gets sick, you can bet that the entire home is turned upside down. No one gets sick at the same time, so it gets passed around allowing it to be dragged out for the entire winter season. Some families have a parent that works from home, and this disrupts their work schedule when they have to take care of anyone who is sick.

Look Ahead and Stock Up

Before you get sick, stock up on all the things you know you will need if you or everyone in your house gets sick. Facial tissues are probably at the top of the list for most families as you will go through them so quickly when a cold or the flu hits. Nobody can stand the thought of being out of tissues when runny noses come at you and are dripping everywhere. When all your house stock runs low when you are sick, the last thing you want is to have to go to the store to buy more tissues, toilet paper, over the counter medications, or soup. The list could go on forever.

Everywhere you look today there are bulk stores for you to buy things in bulk when you use a lot of one specific item. Purchase it by the case, so you have your arsenal and are prepared.

Think About The Logistics (the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people and supplies) Before You Will Need Them

It doesn’t matter what you do, or how you prepare, when you are sick there is always some hassle. It is beside the hassle of dealing with being ill and trying to find time to rest so your body can feel better. As bad as you feel you are the one who has to decide if the kids are well enough to go back to school or stay home a few more days. Plan and know what the policy is for the school on absences regarding sick days. You will find some school’s want a kid not to have had a fever for at least 24 hours and will not excuse them without a doctor’s note. You are going to have to come up with some plan as to how you will handle your work schedule when you have kids sick at home.

The parents who work from home are considered the default caregivers if one of the children get sick and have to stay home. It is a good idea to talk this all through ahead of time before any of this hits and how you will maintain your workload during this time.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Get everyone on board way before flu season with proper and frequent handwashing. Kids are everyday ole gross and wipe their noses and then touch everything they possibly can around them. They go to the bathroom and never wash their hands. They contact other places and things you do not even want to know about making it even more necessary for them to thoroughly wash their hands. They need to be getting a defined amount of regular rest, exercise and proper nutrition during the flu season. A person who has a healthy body with a robust immune system can usually ward away some of the illnesses or help keep the bugs from being so bad if you should contract them.

Knowing ahead of time where your nearest emergency room is located is very important. Find us at Emergency Care in Harker Heights, TX today.

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