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Pediatric Emergency Medicine and You


Every parent wants what is best for their child and will often do anything to help them, but sometimes it can be difficult to determine just what you can do. When confronted with an emergency, it is tempting to panic and immediately rush your child to a pediatric emergency room or a similar location. But what constitutes a general emergency? And do you need to seek out a specialized ER for your kids?

What Is Pediatric Emergency Medicine?

Pediatric emergency medicine is a specialization of pediatrics and emergency medicine that focuses on the treatment of children in situations that are unspecified and do not involve an appointment. Doctors with this specialization are capable of diagnosing and treating injuries and illnesses in children of all ages in a rapid fashion.

What to Expect

When your child is seen by a specialist in a pediatric emergency medicine, the appointment proceeds in a similar fashion as a regular doctor’s appointment. The doctor will examine your child and check for any irregularities and unusual symptoms before offering a diagnosis. Because the child is underage, they will discuss the treatment plan with you.

After receiving the beginning stages of treatment in the emergency room, the doctor will supply you with instructions on how to best care for your child and whether or not you need to seek out another visit with your regular physician.

Do You Need to Find a Special Pediatric ER?

Although many parents think they have to find a dedicated pediatric ER, the truth is almost every emergency room in the United States is equipped to treat children of all ages. This is because doctors and nurses need to undergo training to work with patients of all walks of life, and most of the situations seen by the staff in an ER are not life threatening and can be treated.

Do not be afraid to bring your child, or even baby, to a regular emergency rooms. The professional staff who work there are experienced in a wide variety of situations and are trained to work with patients of every age and background.

However, it is also important to know just what constitutes an emergency and when you need to locate this type of treatment. Emergency rooms can be busy places, especially on weekends and around holidays. When should you seek out this care?

What Constitutes an Emergency?

One of the main reasons why individuals don’t visit ERs often in the United States is the fear of wasting resources or racking up a large bill for unnecessary treatment. However, during a general emergency, it’s important to seek out the proper treatment immediately so a child is not forced to continue and endure with a serious illness or injury.

In general, emergency rooms are equipped to deal with a broad range of injuries and illnesses that cannot wait until you’re able to schedule a standard doctor’s appointment. However, they are not meant for life threatening situations. If your child has been in an accident and is at serious risk of dying, call 911 immediately and get transportation to the nearest trauma center.

Some of the situations that necessitate a visit to the emergency room include the following:

  • If your child is experiencing severe stomach pain, especially localized to one region
  • If your child is vomiting or has severe diarrhea
  • If your child has a broken extremity like an arm or leg
  • If your child has a minor injury like cuts or first degree burns
  • If your child has a common illness like the flu

Although rare, if your child is exhibiting the symptoms of a heart attack, stroke, or brain aneurism, rush them to the ER immediately. These conditions can occur in an individual of any age, even if it sounds unbelievable for a four year old to experience such an injury.

Finding an ER Near You

If you live in the Harker Heights region and are searching for pediatric emergency care in the region, consider going to the Express ER. Express ER is located in Harker Heights, TX and can handle the diagnosis and treatment of sick children who have a variety of ailments, injuries, and illnesses. Don’t wait another moment: Seek out treatment today.

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