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Should I Go To The Emergency Room For Appendicitis?


Appendicitis occurs when the appendix, a small organ at the beginning of the large intestine, becomes inflamed and infected. In some cases, the inflammation can be so severe that the appendix ruptures, leading to a potentially life-threatening infection. The most common symptoms of appendicitis include pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite. While there is no single cause of appendicitis, it can be caused by a blockage in the appendix, an infection in the abdomen, or an inflammatory process. In some cases, appendicitis may be caused by an underlying medical condition such as Crohn’s disease.

If you experience appendicitis symptoms, seeking urgent treatment near you as soon as possible is important. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for avoiding more serious. Your doctor can diagnose appendicitis with an abdominal exam, blood tests, and imaging tests like an ultrasound or CT scan. Treatment for appendicitis usually involves antibiotics or surgery to remove the appendix.

When Should you go to the ER for Appendicitis?

If you have symptoms of appendicitis, you should go to an emergency room near you as soon as possible. This serious medical emergency can lead to life-threatening complications if you don’t get treated quickly. Some of the symptoms to note include:

1. Sudden Severe Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is one of the leading reasons people go to the emergency room. It usually resolves by itself, but sometimes it’s a sign of serious illness or a medical emergency that requires immediate attention.

Typically, it starts around the belly button area and travels to the lower right abdomen. Often, it’s accompanied by a fever or vomiting.

If the pain is sudden or severe and doesn’t ease within 30 minutes, seek emergency care. If left untreated, it can rupture and result in death.

2. Bloating and Swelling

Bloating and swelling can be a symptom of appendicitis or another serious abdominal problem. It is also a symptom of certain gastrointestinal (GI) diseases and motility disorders.

If you have stomach pain, bloating, and swelling that does not go away after a day or two or is severe, see your doctor. These symptoms may indicate that you have appendicitis or another serious condition, such as bowel obstruction.

If you have pain that begins around the belly button and moves to the lower-right side of your abdomen, getting immediate care in Harker Heights is especially important.

3. Nausea and Diarrhea

If you have nausea and diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids. Your provider may give you a rehydration solution or ice chips to help you stay hydrated while you are sick.

Your healthcare provider can also refer you for tests if needed. They can make an accurate diagnosis and create a treatment plan that will reduce your discomfort.

4. Fever

Fever, a body’s natural reaction to illness, is caused by the body’s immune system producing chemicals called pyrogens. The chemicals interfere with heat-sensing and cold-sensing neurons in the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature.

This causes a rise in the core temperature, which results in the feeling of a fever. Fever is also a way for the body to protect itself from infection by bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

You should call your doctor immediately if a fever is high.

A child with appendicitis may feel pain centered around the belly button and move slowly down to the bottom right side of the abdomen. This pain might ease for a while and then get worse again.

What is the Treatment of Appendicitis?

If you have an appendix, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to fight infection and remove the infected tissue through a small cut.

The first sign of appendicitis is pain around the belly button or mid-upper abdominal area. It may also include a loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting.

Your doctor may take a history and perform a physical exam to assess your symptoms. They might apply gentle pressure on the painful spot, called guarding.

If you’re diagnosed with appendicitis, doctors will most likely recommend emergency surgery to remove the appendix. Removing the appendix can prevent the risk of a life-threatening infection called peritonitis.

During surgery, a doctor will remove the appendix through one incision. Recovery from an appendectomy usually takes a few days. After you’re discharged from the hospital, you’ll need to follow the doctor’s instructions on wound care, dietary advice, and other tips for returning to normal activities.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Express Emergency Room Harker Heights for assistance if you experience severe abdominal pain and fever.

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