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6 Simple Things That Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure


In late 2017, the American Heart Association changed the commonly accepted medical definition of high blood pressure. Prior to this change, a reading of 130/80 was considered normal. That meant for those individuals who monitored their readings at home, as long as their range stayed near 130/80, they could steer clear of needing to find a 24-hour emergency room in Harker Heights. And if you thought you could coast by with a marginally elevated rate of 140/90 before seeking urgent care in Harker Heights, those days have been diminished by the new standard.

So, what are some things you can do starting today to help lower your blood pressure? Keep reading to learn the top six lifestyle changes to adopt!

  • You may hate to hear it – but experts agree that losing weight is the most effective way to lower your blood pressure.
  • Make reading food labels a priority – no more turning a blind eye to the culprits such as sodium levels that could send you to an emergency room in Harker Heights, TX.
  • You don’t have to run a 5K, but you do need to get moving — try to get 30 minutes of activity inked into your schedule a minimum of five days a week.
  • Consider the importance of weight training when you incorporate losing weight and getting additional exercise – experts agree that pumping iron can yield maximum benefits.
  • If you want to celebrate your success with a drink, just make sure that you limit your daily intake to one drink – drinking alcohol to an extent beyond this can dramatically increase your blood pressure readings.
  • Practice healthy habits to relax your mind from your daily stress – these can include deep breathing or guided breathing exercises, meditation, and massage to name a few.

The Bottom Line for Heart Healthy Blood Pressure Numbers

When making changes into a lifestyle to ensure heart health, the focus should not be so much on the numbers of your blood pressure readings as a way to avoid emergency care in Harker Heights, but to focus instead on incorporating long-lasting lifestyle changes.

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